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The lotus is a symbol of serenity and purity throughout Asia. For the Egyptians, it represented the sun, rebirth and creation. It is a timeless symbol with a rich history. These handcrafted loti will never fade, continually bringing serenity to your surroundings.

Choose a single color for the petals of this 13.25” lotus, measured from top to tip. The green color is standard for the leaves and the stem. The lotus head is 4” wide. The stems for these are wooden picks for, allowing them to remain upright when displayed in a vase.

Discounts are offered for six or more loti ordered in the same color combination. Please contact us for custom orders including multiple colors of six or more loti.

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Women's Shoes
Sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nullam nunc justo sagittis suscipit ultrices.